Donation Causes

May 18

Basic training on how to screen individuals with mental health disorders

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. AAU, Black Lion Hospital location

Alenelachehu Charitable Organization hosted our first training session which was titled "Basic training on how to screen individuals with mental health disorders" for healthcare professionals. The training aimed to equip our healthcare professionals with the necessary knowledge to raise mental health awareness and help in screening individuals with mental health disorders, provide support, and promote a better understanding of mental health issues. The trainers discussed about the different clusters of mental health disorders and their screening methods. By hosting this training program, ACO equipped our healthcare team with essential skills and techniques to screen individuals with mental health challenges and provide them with the necessary resources for healing. The training aimed to widen our reach and to foster a more inclusive society by providing trainees with the knowledge and tools to better understand and support individuals with mental health disorders.

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