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May 20, 2024, 4:55 p.m.

Types Of Personality Disorders Cluster - B

4. Anti-social Personality Disorder -is an inability to conform to the social norms that ordinarily govern many aspects of a person's adolescent and adult behaviour. -በሚኖሩበት ማህበረሰብ አብዛኞች ሰዎች የሚተዳደሩባቸውን  የማሕበረሰቡን ሕግና ደንቦች ማክበር አይችሉም። #Symptoms -Lies/መዋሸት/ -Impulsive/ግልፍተኝነት/ -Irritable/መነጫነጭ/ -Neglect Safety/ለራሳቸው ደህንነት ግዴለሽ መሆን/

5. Border-line Personality Disorder -Patients With Border-line Personality Disorder stand on the Bordee Between Neurosis And Psychosis, And They Have Extra-Ordinarily Unstable Affect Mood, Behaviour And Self-image. #Symptoms -Self-harm/ራስን መጉዳት/ -Unstable Self-Image -sucidal Ideation -Poor Anger Management - Labile Mood

6. Histrionic Personality Disorder -Peoples With This Personality Disorder Are Excitable , Emotional And behave In A Colorful, Dramatic And Extroverted Fashion. #Symptoms - Uncomfortable When Not The Center Of Attention/ትኩረት ካልተሰጣቸው ምቾት አይሰማቸውም/ -attention Seeking -Egocenrtric -Extroverted Fashion

7. Narcissistic Personality Disorder -Individuals With Narcissistic Personality Disorder Have A Heightened Sense Of Self Importance, Lack Of Empathy And Grandiose Feelings Of Uniqueness. -#Narcissistic Personality Disorder ያለባቸው ሠዎች እጅግ በጣም ከፍ ያለ የአስፈላጊነት ስሜት ያላቸው, ለሰዎች የማያዝኑ እና ራሳቸውን የተለዩ አድርጎ የማየት ባህሪ አላቸው። #Symptons -Jealeous Of Others success /በሌሎች ሠዎች ስኬት ይቀናሉ/ -Grandiose/ከልክ ያለፈ ራሳቸውን ከፍ አድርጎ ማየት/ -Feeling Of Special/የተለዩ አድርገው ራሳቸውን ማየት/

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